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Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions


These Booking Conditions apply to all tours sold by or through Lumle Holidays Ltd (hereinafter called ‘Lumle Holidays’) registered number 07487927 with Registered Office 26 Thorney Lane South, Iver, Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom, SL0 9AE and are sold subject to the following conditions:

The tour packages and products described in this website and brochure are operated by Lumle Holidays Ltd.

Please Note: Adequate/Appropriate and valid travel insurance is compulsory for all Lumle Holidays travelers and it is a condition of Lumle Holidays Ltd. accepting your booking that you will have obtained adequate/appropriate and valid travel insurance for your booking before the date of departure.

To make a booking with Lumle Holidays Ltd., you are required to Lumle Holidays Ltd. a non-refundable deposit of 60%. This will confirm your acceptance of these set booking conditions. Lumle Holidays Ltd. will invoice you for the remainder of the cost, which you must pay not later than 120 days before departure. Payment can be made by credit, debit, American Express cards, or bank transfer. To avoid credit card fraud, we would require payment by bank transfer for any holiday whose travel date is less than 4 months.

If you book your holidays less than 120 days before the departure date, a full payment must be made at the time of booking. Lumle Holidays Ltd. will write to you or your travel agents where applicable to confirm the acceptance of the booking at which point the contract comes into existence on the date shown on that letter or email. Therefore, the booking conditions are final and binding when your booking is confirmed in writing to you or your travel agent. Payment for all monies due, including any surcharge, must be paid to Lumle Holidays Ltd. not later than 120 days before the departure date. In the event of failure to pay the balance by the due date, your booking will be cancelled, and you will forfeit your deposit.

Visas and passport fees, airport taxes, additional hotel accommodation, laundry, postage, drinks, sightseeing & monuments entrance fees, medical expenses, travel insurance, telephone calls, single supplement, meals (except in trekking – please refer to itinerary), emergency evacuation or helicopter rescue, extra costs due to force majeure, gratuities to staff and crew are not included in the package cost. Please read the “What’s included?” and “What’s not included?” sections on your sales proposal for more detail.

DIETARY REQUIREMENT: For any special on-flight meal request, please use your booking confirmation to contact the airlines and place the request yourselves. We are not liable for any airline’s meal request. If you have any dietary requirements we should know of for your holiday, please send us an email stating the same.

Lumle Holidays Ltd. operates tour packages in regions where standards of accommodation, transport, safety, hygiene, medical facilities, and other infrastructure may, at times, be lower than those you normally expect. You are advised to bear this in mind at the time of making the booking.

Booking or traveling with Lumle Holidays Ltd. requires a certain measure of flexibility, good humour, and an understanding that the tour itinerary, accommodation, and modes of transport may be changed or altered without notice due to unforeseen circumstances such as local political conditions, strike, protest, flight cancellations, mechanical breakdown, weather, border restrictions, sickness or the circumstances beyond Lumle Holidays Ltd.’s control. Thus, by paying the deposit payment you agree to Lumle Holidays Ltd. booking conditions making any changes if reasonably deems necessary.

All Lumle Holidays Ltd.’s tours, treks, and expeditions, but especially those in remote or unstable regions, or regions with dangerous wildlife, involve a risk of injury, psychological trauma, disease, loss or damage to property, inconvenience and discomfort. Thus, by paying the deposit payment you agree to Lumle Holidays Ltd. booking conditions making any changes if reasonably deems necessary.

Although Lumle Holidays Ltd. assesses to determine whether to operate tours, treks, and expeditions based on information i.e. available through its local offices, agents, tour operators, foreign missions such as British Foreign Office, the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and the US Department of State, it is your responsibility to ensure you have collected adequate and relevant information and advice from government bodies before departure. Thus, by booking with us, we assume that you have obtained the necessary information and you agree to accept the risks associated with such tours, treks & expeditions.

The sole liability of assessing the suitability, risks, and requirements of each aspect of the tour based on unique, individual circumstances, limitations, fitness level, and medical requirements of tour lies on the traveller/s. Lumle Holidays Ltd. advises you to consult your physician to confirm your fitness for travel and participation in any planned activities. You should also seek professional medical opinions on vaccinations and any medical precautions applicable. Lumle Holidays Ltd. does not offer any medical advice whatsoever.

Lumle Holidays Ltd. can provide basic advice and information to travellers with regards to passports and visa requirements. Lumle Holidays Ltd. does not provide any professional opinion on travel documents and does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the advice provided on the matter of travel documents and visas. However, you are required to check with the appropriate Embassy, Consulate, or British Foreign Office for the exact requirements for your chosen tour and date of travel. Therefore, it is your responsibility to ensure that you have the correct passport and visas to gain access to any country/region included in the travel arrangements that you book from Lumle. In the event of failure to do so, Lumle Holidays Ltd. has no liability to you for any cost, loss, or damage which you suffer, nor will Lumle refund you the cost of any unused portion of your travel arrangements. It is important to note that, in some cases, countries will refuse entry to travellers who have criminal records. Should you be concerned about this, please check with the embassy or consulate of the countries to which you are travelling.

Lumle Holidays Ltd. is responsible to you for the proper performance of our obligations under the contract whether those obligations are provided directly by us, or by third-party service providers engaged by us and acting within the proper course of their employment and we will provide these services with reasonable skill and care.

Lumle Holidays Ltd. makes arrangement with Third Party Suppliers to provide you the services for all or different parts of your holiday. Third Party Supplier may also further engage local operators and sub-contractors. Although Lumle Holidays Ltd. takes reasonable care in selecting Third Party Suppliers, however, Lumle Holidays Ltd. does not own or control third party suppliers and therefore is unable to supervise Third Party Supplier, because of which Lumle Holidays Ltd. is not responsible for the acts or omissions of the said Suppliers. Any services provided by Third Party Suppliers are subject to the local laws, terms and conditions imposed by the said Suppliers. Third Party Suppliers operate in compliance with the applicable laws of the local country; however, Lumle Holidays Ltd. does not warranty that the Suppliers are in compliance with the laws of the country of your residence or any other jurisdiction.

We are liable to you for any damage caused to you by our failure to perform the contract or by our improper performance of the contract, unless that failure is a) attributable to you; b) attributable to a third party unconnected with the provision of services to you; c) due to unusual and unforeseeable circumstances beyond Lumle Holidays Ltd. control that could not have been avoided even if all due care had been taken; d) due to an event which even with all due care Lumle Holidays Ltd. could not foresee or forestall. Lumle Holidays Ltd. will not accept responsibility or liability for any passenger who contravenes any law or regulation of any country visited.

Our liability, except in cases involving death, injury or illness, shall be limited to a maximum of three times the cost of your travel arrangements. It is your responsibility to show that we or our supplier(s) have been negligent if you wish to make a claim against us. It is a condition of our acceptance of the responsibility above that you inform us, and the supplier(s) concerned without undue delay of the lack of conformity you perceive; and allow us a reasonable period in which to remedy it. Please contact csfeedback@lumle.com or call 0203 006 2722.

Where the damages relate to the provision of transport by air, sea or rail, or hotel accommodation, any compensation payable will be further limited by the EU Charter of Passengers Rights for air travel, the Warsaw Convention as amended, by the Athens Convention 1974 (sea), the Berne Convention 1961 (rail), and the Paris Convention 1962 (hotel accommodation), or any such statute or regulation as may from time to time amend or supersede any of the above. Copies of the conditions of carriage and any conventions that may apply are available on request.

Any independent arrangements that you make that are not part of the holiday are entirely at your own risk. Should you or any member of your party by misadventure suffer illness, injury or death during the period of your holiday from an activity which does not form part of the arrangements made by us nor an excursion purchased through us, you are responsible to cover the costs. We strongly recommend you have valid comprehensive travel insurance to cover any events whilst you are on your holiday.

Under EU law (Regulation 261/2004) you have rights in some circumstances to refunds and/or compensation from your airline in cases of denied boarding, cancellation or delay to flights. Full details of these rights will be publicised at EU airports and will also be available from airlines. However, reimbursement in such cases will not automatically entitle you to a refund of your holiday cost from us

‘Force Majeure’ means (without restriction) any event which Lumle Holidays Ltd. could not, even with all due care, foresee or avoid. Force Majeure covers events such as, but not limited to, war or threat of war, riot, civil strike, terrorist activity, industrial dispute, disease, industrial or nuclear disaster, natural disaster, political unrest, adverse weather conditions, fire and all similar events beyond our control. In the case of Force Majeure, Lumle Holidays Ltd. will not accept liability and reserves the right to change and cancel trips/tours.

If you cancel your booking, cancellation fees apply. Notification of cancellation must be made to Lumle Holidays Ltd. by letter or email. The date when written confirmation of cancellation is received by Lumle Holidays Ltd. will determine the charges applicable.

Days before departure Charge applicable
More than 120 days Loss of deposit
Between 120 and 60 days Loss of 80% of total booking cost
Between 60 and 40 days Loss of 90% of total booking cost
Between 40 or less Loss of 100% of total booking cost

Important: Please note that for certain travel arrangements e.g. many scheduled transport providers or promotional offers, the cancellation charge may be higher than those shown. In certain cases, a 100% cancellation fee applies as soon as the booking is made, and the ticket is issued.

No refunds will be made if you leave a trip for any reason after the trip has begun.

No refunds will be made at any cost for insurance, payment handling charges & loss made due to exchange rates. All these charges will be calculated and deducted from the payment due to you adhering to cancellation charges.

The above cancellation terms & conditions are not applicable where any of our offers or holidays are sold by third parties, agents, partners, group-buy/deal sites. The offers sold by third parties, agents, partners, group-buy/deal sites will have their specific Booking Conditions under “Fine Prints” that are applicable for those specific offers/deals. Please read offers/deals Booking Conditions carefully before making a purchase. In most cases, offers featured are extremely discounted thus are non-refundable and cannot be modified. No refunds will be made in such case. Time to time, we run various offers and promotions on an extremely reduced price. These offers may have their own Booking Conditions attached to that particular offer which will be deemed applicable to that offer. Please ensure to read full Booking Conditions of such offer before making the purchase.

a) Transfer from one tour to another
Amendment request received by Lumle Holidays Ltd. 120 days or more prior to the original tour departure date: £350 per person per trip will be levied and must be paid prior to any transfer being confirmed. Amendment requests received by Lumle Holidays Ltd. within 120 days prior to the original tour departure date: charges will apply as per cancellation fees. Please note that some airlines may refuse such requests and treat the transfer as a cancellation and rebooking. Please note it may not always be possible to amend or transfer the booking.

b) Amendments to your booking, in relation to any other arrangements made in conjunction with your tour (e.g. pre- and post-tour accommodation, transfers, etc), received by Lumle Holidays Ltd. within 120 days prior to tour departure date will be subject to a £350 administration fee per change. This fee is in addition to any charges levied by ground operators and hotels. Please note that some airlines may refuse such requests and treat the transfer as a cancellation and rebooking. Please note it may not always be possible to amend or transfer the booking.

c) If you are prevented from travelling on the tour, you may transfer your booking to another person provided they meet all the requirements relating to that holiday. A transfer from one person to another is also dependent on the availability of permits and other travel arrangements, as some of these are regulated by local law and are not transferable from one person to another. A transfer fee of £350 is payable, and additional costs such as permit fees may also be payable. Both the person who was original to take the holiday and the person who actually takes it will be responsible for the payment of the amendment charges and any outstanding balance due in respect of the holiday price and you will also be responsible for any additional costs that are incurred as a reason of substitution or transfer. Please note that some airlines may refuse such requests and treat the transfer as a cancellation and rebooking. Please note it may not always be possible to amend or transfer the booking.

On some trips, it is not possible for us to accept late bookings as they are subject to availability.

We reserve the right to cancel your booking or change any of the facilities, services or prices described in our brochures or website. We will endeavour to advise you of any changes known at the time of booking.

The information about trips/tours given in this brochure and website is subject to change. Where practical, any changes will be reflected in the Trip Notes that are sent to you with your Final Documentation. It is your responsibility to review the up-to-date Trip Notes sent to you with Final Documentation. If you make a booking less than 120 days before departure you must ensure you are fully aware of the contents of the Trip Notes. The information and conditions in the Trip Notes will be deemed to be part of the contract.

We plan the arrangements for your tour/trips many months in advance and may occasionally have to make changes, sometimes at short notice, most of which are minor. If a major change becomes necessary, we will advise you of the change as soon as possible. Whether a change is ‘major’ depends on the nature of the tour and may include: alteration to the scheduled departure or return time of your flight by more than 12 hours (but not a flight delay); a change to a lower standard of accommodation; or a change of departure airport (excluding a change between London airports). When a major change occurs, you will have the choice of either accepting the change, or accepting a replacement tour from us of equivalent or closely similar standard and price, or cancelling your tour, in which case we shall refund you in full. However, no refunds will be made at any cost for insurance, payment handling charges & loss made due to exchange rates. All these charges will be calculated and deducted from the payment due to you. In all cases, except where a major change arises from circumstances amounting to force majeure or consolidation, we will pay you compensation as appropriate.

Days before departure Compensation Charge applicable per person
More than 120 days Nil
Between 120 – 15 days £20
Between 15 – 0 days £30

Compensation will not be payable if we are forced to cancel, or in any way change your tour for reasons of consolidation due to minimum numbers not being attained or force majeure. The operation of all tours is dependent on a minimum number of persons booking the tour. If that number is not achieved, we reserve the right to cancel the tour. Your trip may be varied at short notice, even after its commencement. Changes may occur because of Force Majeure, poor road conditions, weather, the availability of tickets, vehicle breakdowns, changes in transport schedules, or other circumstances beyond Lumle Holidays Ltd control. Lumle Holidays Ltd does not accept any responsibility for loss of enjoyment, delays or compensation resulting from changes due to Force Majeure or any reasons beyond Lumle Holidays Ltd control. Group sizes may also vary.

In no circumstances, we will cancel your tour less than 4 weeks before the scheduled departure date except for reasons of consolidation, inadequate insurance cover provided by you, force majeure or failure on your part to pay the final balance. We strongly recommend that you make no travel arrangements to your point of departure, make any connecting travel that is non-refundable or non-changeable or incurs penalties or incurs any costs in respect of visas or vaccinations until such time as your travel itinerary has been confirmed. If you make such arrangements which you are then unable to use due to a change in your itinerary we shall not be liable to you for the cost of those arrangements. If we are forced to cancel your holiday after departure, for reasons other than force majeure or any reasons beyond Lumle Holidays Ltd control, we will wherever possible, make suitable alternative arrangements. If we are unable to make such alternative arrangements, or you reject these for good reason then we will return you to your point of departure and refund you for any unused services, if appropriate.

a) It means where we sell a flight ticket only. Air tickets are attached to various terms & conditions by the airlines. Most importantly, each ticket class, fares have different terms & conditions, penalties and in most cases, tickets are non-refundable and cannot be modified. We advise you of this when we present you flight ticket quote with full itinerary and ask you to confirm these terms & conditions of sale in writing. In such cases, your confirmation and instruction will be deemed as the binding contract of that particular sale.

b) The sale of an air ticket may be offered to our customers under Lumle Holidays Ltd ATOL licence in which case the terms and conditions set out below will apply.

c) For scheduled airline ticket sales that are not covered under our ATOL licence. At this case you are required to purchase an Airline Failure Insurance to cover the cost of your ticket in the event of airline becomes insolvent.

d) Airlines reserve the right to increase the price you have paid by the imposition of fuel and other charges. We reserve the right to pass these on to you as well as any other unexpected price increase including taxes, airport charges and landing taxes charged to us by the airline concerned.

e) If you wish to cancel or change your flight booking then you should contact us to see whether this is possible and what additional charges may apply to your air ticket booking. Some discounted scheduled flight seats or tickets sold in the offer may not be changed, cancelled or re-routed without incurring 100% cancellation charges.

f) Transfer of booked seats to another person may not be possible.

g) Flight timings and schedules are provided for guidance only and we are not responsible for flight delays or for cancelled flights caused by the operations of the carrier concerned. All flights must be reconfirmed – we cannot be held responsible for missed flights due to rescheduling or other reasons.

f) The liability of Lumle Holidays Ltd is limited to making arrangements with the airline to make the air tickets available to you. We have no liability for the operation of the flights or the terms of your carriage which are the subject of the airlines own Conditions of Carriage, the Montreal Convention 1999 and EC Regulation 261/2004 (see below) regarding overbooked, cancelled and delayed flights.

g) EC Regulation 261/2004 sets out minimum rights and compensation levels payable to passengers by airlines for overbooked delayed and cancelled flights departing from an EU airport and to EU Community carriers. Information about your rights is available from your departure airport or from the airline concerned. It is for you and not for Lumle Holidays Ltd to claim or seek to enforce these rights.

Claim for compensation, nor to interpret the provisions of the European Community Regulation (EC) No. 889/2002 or the Montréal Convention, and it does not form part of the contract between the carrier(s), us and you. No representation is made by the air carrier(s) or us as to the accuracy of the contents of this notice.

Air carrier liability for passengers & their baggage: This information notice summarises the liability rules applied by Community air carriers as required by Community legislation and the Montréal Convention.

Compensation in the case of death or injury: There are no financial limits to the liability for passenger injury or death. For damages up to 113,100 Special Drawing Rights (“SDRs”) the air carrier cannot contest claims for compensation. Above that amount, the air carrier can defend itself against a claim by proving that it was not negligent or otherwise at fault.
Advance payments: If a passenger is killed or injured, the air carrier must make an advance payment, to cover immediate economic needs, within 15 days from the identification of the person entitled to compensation. In the event of death, this advance payment shall not be less than 16,000 SDRs.

Passenger delays: In case of passenger delay, the air carrier is liable for damage unless it took all reasonable measures to avoid the damage or it was impossible to take such measures. The liability for passenger delay is limited to 4,694 SDRs.

Baggage delays: In case of baggage delay, the air carrier is liable for damage unless it took all reasonable measures to avoid the damage or it was impossible to take such measures. The liability for baggage delay is limited to 1,131 SDRs.

Destruction, loss or damage to baggage: The air carrier is liable for destruction, loss or damage to baggage up to 1,131 SDRs. In the case of checked baggage, it is liable even if not at fault, unless the baggage was defective. In the case of unchecked baggage, the carrier is liable only if at fault.

Higher limits for baggage: A passenger can benefit from a higher liability limit by making a special declaration at the latest at check-in and by paying a supplementary fee.

Complaints on baggage: If the baggage is damaged, delayed, lost or destroyed, the passenger must write and complain to the air carrier as soon as possible. In the case of damage to checked baggage, the passenger must write and complain within seven days, and in the case of delay within 21 days, in both cases from the date on which the baggage was placed at the passenger’s disposal.

Liability of contracting & actual carriers: If the air carrier actually performing the flight is not the same as the contracting air carrier, the passenger has the right to address a complaint or to make a claim for damages against either. If the name or code of an air carrier is indicated on the ticket, that air carrier is the contracting air carrier.

Time limit for action: Any action in court to claim damages must be brought within two years from the date of arrival of the aircraft, or from the date on which the aircraft ought to have arrived.

Basis for the information: The basis for the rules described above is the Montreal Convention of 28 May 1999, which is implemented in the European Community by European Community Regulation (EC) No. 2027/97 (as amended by European Community Regulation (EC) No. 889/2002) and national legislation of the Member States.

In accordance with European Community Regulation (EC) No. 2111/2005, Article 9, we are required to bring to your attention the existence of a ‘Community list’ which contains details of air carriers that are subject to an operating ban within the European Community. The Community list is available for inspection at http://ec.europa.eu/transport/modes/air/safety/air-ban/.

In accordance with European Community Regulation (EC) No. 2111/2005 we are required to advise you of the actual carrier operating your flight/connecting flight/transfer. We do this by listing carriers to be used or likely to be used as follows: Air India, British Airways, Turkish Airlines, Iberia, South African Airways, KLM, Air Namibia, Ethiopian Airlines, Swiss International Air Lines, Tunisair, Kenya Airways, Air China, Etihad Airways, Gulf Air, Sri Lankan Airlines, Qatar Airways, Japan Airlines, Royal Jordanian, Thai Airways, Air Canada, Virgin Atlantic, Finnair. Emirates, LAN Airlines, Air New Zealand, Air Europa, SAS, Air France, TAM, Korean Air, Croatia Airlines, Thomson Airways, EgyptAir, Malaysia Airlines, Alitalia, EasyJet, Air Madagascar, Air Botswana, TAP Portugal, Delta Airlines, Bulgaria Air, Lufthansa, Aeroflot, Norwegian, American Airlines, United Airlines, Vietnam Airlines, Singapore Airlines, Cathay Pacific, Uzbekistan Airways, Eva Air, Bangkok Airways, Air Malta, Flybe, Aer Lingus, Austrian Airlines, Avianca, JAT Airways, China Eastern Airlines, China Southern Airlines, Oman Air, Lao Airlines etc.

The airline may use wide and narrow-body jets. Any changes to the actual airline after you have received your tickets will be notified to you as soon as possible and in all cases at check-in or at the boarding gate. Such a change is deemed to be a minor change. Other examples of minor changes include alteration of your outward/return flights by less than 12 hours, changes to aircraft type, change of accommodation to another of the same standard. Some flights may need to stop en route. If we know about this in advance, we will tell you. Flight times shown in the brochure, on the website and on your booking, confirmation are not guaranteed. Actual flight times are shown on your e-tickets. Flight times are local times based on the 24-hr system.

Please check with the airline regarding luggage allowance limits and the maximum allowable single item baggage weight. If you have a medical condition, serious illness, recently undergone surgery, or have suffered a recent accident, you must advise us, and your airline and you may need to be cleared for travel by the airline which will involve obtaining a Fitness to Fly Certificate from your GP.

Changes in transportation costs, including the cost of fuel, dues, taxes or fees chargeable for services such as landing taxes or embarkation or disembarkation fees at ports and airports and exchange rates mean that the price of your travel arrangements may change after you have booked. However, there will be no change within 30 days of your departure.

Any changes in taxes, entry fees and/or charges that we collect at net cost on behalf of local and government bodies will be passed on to you in full or refunded to you in full. We will absorb and you will not be charged for any increase equivalent to 2% of the price of your travel arrangements, which excludes insurance premiums, any taxes, entry fees and/or charges that are collected at net cost on behalf of local and government bodies and any amendment charges. You will be charged for the amount over and above that, plus an administration charge of £350 per person together with an amount to cover agents’ commission. If this means that you have to pay an increase of more than 10% of the price of your travel arrangements, you will have the option of accepting a change to another holiday if we are able to offer one (if this is of equivalent or higher quality you will not have to pay more but if it is of lower quality you will be refunded the difference in price), or cancelling and receiving a full refund of all monies paid, except for any amendment charges.

Should you decide to cancel for this reason, you must exercise your right to do so within 14 days from the issue date printed on your final invoice.

Should the price of your travel arrangements go down due to the changes mentioned above, by more than 2% of your holiday cost, then any refund due will be paid to you. However, please note that travel arrangements are not always purchased in local currency and some apparent changes have no impact on the price of your travel due to contractual and other protection in place.

Flight-inclusive holiday price featured on the website/brochure are not guaranteed and subject to change at any time until flight tickets are issued, and payment is being taken. Dates and itineraries are shown for tours departing after 01 Dec 2018 are indicative only and subject to change. Your booking is deemed as confirmed only when you make deposit payment towards your holiday and receive booking confirmation document from us in writing.

Prices set out on the website/brochure are “FROM” not “FINAL”; may only be available for specific dates (please ask our booking dept.). From time to time our website may run promotions & offers and these promotional prices are valid for specific (mostly low season) dates if dates are advertised, if dates are not advertised then please get in touch with our booking dept. about the validity and dates of such promotional prices. These promotional prices are not valid during peak season. All the holidays featured on our website are subject to availability. We reserve the right to end any promotions & offers at any time including prior to the advertised end date without notice. We reserve the right to alter prices at any time.

If we discover an error in the price or description of the holiday you have inquired (it happens!), we may choose not to proceed with your inquiry or booking at any time up to the point we have neither confirmed your booking nor taken any payment. We will contact you where we become aware of an error and ask you whether you wish to continue with your booking at the correct price or choose not to.

a) It means where we sell or advertise for the sale of individual travel components such as car hire, excursions, accommodation or any other tourist ancillary facilities which are not pre –arranged and sold by us with other travel products to you at an inclusive price.

b) In such cases Lumle Holidays Ltd will acting solely as agent for those suppliers. Their booking conditions will apply and govern the relationship between yourself and the supplier. Lumle Holidays Ltd will have no liability for the improper performance of the service concerned.

c) Sales of single components are unlikely to be covered by an ATOL licence or liability for overseas performance (including death, illness or injury) unless the suppliers’ terms and conditions make this clear. You should always check the suppliers’ conditions and ensure that you have taken out adequate insurance to cover such risk.

d) Please note that the suppliers’ terms and conditions may permit them to increase the price from that which may have been advertised, to levy cancellation charges of up to 100% if you change your booking and to substitute alternative equivalent services from that you have booked. You are advised to check the suppliers’ terms and conditions carefully.

e) The booking conditions for all of the suppliers who offer single travel components through us are available on request.

f) The suppliers’ terms will require you to pay a deposit followed by a balance payment or if the booking is close to the departure date then payment is required in full. Late payment will result in the service being cancelled and cancellation charges will apply.

g) Accuracy – We take every reasonable care and step to ensure that the information published about each hotel, villa, apartment or other services are accurate; however information is obtained electronically from the supplier’s databases. Facilities and amenities in accommodation or other services may be temporarily unavailable for operational reasons. Where this happens we will do our best to advise you as soon as possible. We cannot accept liability for errors or omissions in the descriptions.

h) Alterations by your Accommodation or other service provider – Sometimes your accommodation or other service provider may need to make a change and they will let you know any important changes before you book. If you have already booked we will let you know as soon as we can, if there is time before your departure. In the unlikely event that your accommodation provider has to make a major change or alteration to your booking please refers to the suppliers’ terms and conditions. We do not accept responsibility for any expenses or costs incurred by you as a result of the change and we do not accept responsibility for changes or cancellations that are due to unusual or unforeseeable circumstances beyond our control. These can include war or threat of war, riot, civil strife, terrorist activity, natural or nuclear disaster, fire, adverse weather conditions, governmental action or accommodation or other service ceasing to be available.

i) Alternations by any supplier in a single component. If one supplier cancels this may have an effect on your travel arrangements with other suppliers. For instance, if a flight is cancelled or delayed this may affect the accommodation booking. In these cases Lumle Holidays Ltd shall not accept responsibility for loss of monies incurred.

Health: This is one of the toughest high-altitude road journeys on earth. You must be physically fit – no two ways about that. Generally patients with asthma & heart problems have a problem acclimatizing to high altitudes. In your interests it is essential you should be examined by your doctor to know about your health condition and your ability to cope up with the rigors of high altitude travel for days in ‘no road’ conditions, extreme cold, dust, trekking to an altitude of 22028ft (6714m) during the Parikrama, etc.

Altitude Sickness: As you are traveling over high terrain, you are likely to experience symptoms and discomfort of altitude sickness (headache, loss of appetite, nausea, exhaustion, sleeplessness, breathlessness etc.) until your body adjusts to the elevation. This can take a couple of days or more depending on an individual. For this reason alone, we have made it mandatory to stay 2 nights at Nyalam (12000ft) and a night in Simikot those who take journey of Helicopter before moving on to the higher altitudes. Drink plenty of water, be calm, and do not exercise. Do not drink alcohol or smoke prior to and during the tour. We also recommend you carry a strip of diamox tablets. Do consult your physician on the dosage. We provide Gamow bag (a special equipment to prevent sickness from high altitude) on this tour.

Risk: Trip to Mt. Kailash/ Mansarover is the cause of Pilgrimage. This is an adventure travel into a remote Himalayan Destination with alien weather & geographical conditions; unpredictable weather in Himalayas sometimes requires change in the tour program/tour routing. Tourism infrastructure in Tibet area is under developed, road condition/lodges etc. during journey are very basic, so kindly be prepared for a rough tough time for the Journey of a life time to Holy Kailash/Mansarover for spiritual enlightenment.

Liability: Every care would be taken to extend the best possible services to make the pilgrim’s stay & travel as comfortable as possible but considering the nature of Yatra/Trip it is requested not to expect the impeccable services as some unforeseen & uncontrollable factors like Political, Natural & Medical etc. can change the course of Yatra/Trip. All the tours in Tibet are conduct strictly under the rules & regulation of Tibet Tourism Bureau (TTB). Therefore, Lumle Holidays Ltd. and its counterpart shall not be responsible for any change and alteration in the program due to unavoidable circumstances such as landslide, road blockage, flood, snow, political unrest, and cancellation of flight, delay arrival, sickness or accidents. Any extra cost incurred thereof shall be borne by the clients on the spot. No claim would be entertained for any unutilized services due to any unforeseen circumstances, so Lumle Holidays Ltd. and it’s principal supplier or subagent would not be responsible for any Liability.

Optional activities, excursions or other tours that you may choose to book or pay for whilst you are on holiday are not part of your package holiday provided by us. For any optional activity, excursion, or other tour that you book, your contract will be with the operator of the activity, excursion or tour and not with us. We are not responsible for the provision of the activity, excursion or tour or for anything that happens during the course of it’s provision by the operator.

You agree that, while participating in any holidays operated by Lumle Holidays Ltd., images, photos or videos may be taken by other participants, the Lumle Holidays Ltd. or its representatives that may contain or feature you. You consent to any such pictures being taken and grants a perpetual, royalty-free, worldwide, irrevocable license to the Lumle Holidays Ltd., its contractors, sub-contractors and assigns, to reproduce for any purpose whatsoever (including marketing, promotions and the creation of promotional materials by or with sub-licensees), in any medium whatsoever, whether currently known or hereinafter devised, without any further obligation or compensation payable to you.

If you have any complaint about your trip, you must make it known at the earliest opportunity to the leader and/or Lumle Holidays Ltd local representative, who will normally be able to take appropriate action. If at the end of the trip you feel your complaint has not been properly dealt with you must notify us in writing within 35 days of the end of your trip. You written complaint must be forwarded to The Manager, Complaint Department, Lumle Holidays Ltd.

At all times the decision of Lumle Holidays Ltd leader or representative will be final on all matters likely to affect the safety and well-being of the trip. You must, at all times, strictly comply with the laws, customs, foreign exchange and drug regulations of all countries visited. Should you fail to comply with the above, or should you interfere with or are deemed likely to interfere with, as determined at the sole and absolute discretion of the tour leader, the well-being of the group then the leader or company representative may order you to leave the trip immediately with no right of refund.

Adequate and valid travel insurance that covers cancellation and curtailment due to various reasons including but not limited to government travel warning and incidence related to force majeure (such as a war, strike, terrorism, riot, crime, hurricane, flood, earthquake, volcanic eruption and others) is compulsory for all Lumle Holidays Ltd travellers and it is a condition of Lumle Holidays Ltd accepting your booking that you have obtained adequate and valid travel insurance for your booking at the time of booking. It is your (customer’s) liability to make sure the adequate insurance above is in place as a lot of the holidays can be non-refundable once booked. Your travel insurance must also cover accidents, and loss of luggage, and personal effects, injury, illness and death medical expenses, including any related to pre-existing medical conditions, emergency repatriation (including helicopter rescue and air ambulance where applicable) and personal liability. Lumle Holidays Ltd. will not refund or compensate if your booking/holiday is affected by this. You must carry proof of insurance with you and produce it if reasonably requested by Lumle Holidays Ltd employees or suppliers.

Adequate and valid travel insurance is mandatory for all clients while on one of our tours. You are strongly advised to insure yourself against any possible risk that may occur and in particular to ensure that you have sufficient insurance in respect of dependent relatives. You are required to carry proof of insurance with you and produce it if reasonably requested by company employees or suppliers.

You are responsible for ensuring that you are in possession of travel insurance for the entire duration of the tour in respect of at least medical expenses, injury, death, repatriation, cancellation and curtailment, with cover/benefits. Please ensure your insurance arrangements have no exclusion clauses which limit cover for the type of activities included, or the altitudes attained, in your tour.

Our entry level prices for all holidays are based on 03 star or similar category hotels with an option to upgrade to 04 and 05 star at extra cost. Name of the hotels included in the offer are published on the trip page. You are recommended to do some research on the hotels of the offer you are planning to purchase prior to purchase. Once tour is booked & deposit is paid, we assume that you read about the products and services which are buying; happy with your purchase and agreed to full booking conditions.

Majority of our trips are adventure holidays, and many of Lumle’s holidays destinations are in remote, under-developed countries, where events are less predictable than is usually in developing countries. The unexpected is the norm in these areas and, despite conscientious planning and management, the holidays offered by Lumle Holidays should not be taken for granted like regular holidays. Many of the destinations where we operate do not have the same quality of emergency health and safety services that are usually available in developing countries. Domestic flights can be delayed, cancelled, road transport is generally uncomfortable and unreliable, and hotels & resorts often do not approach the standards as of developing countries.

Therefore, the trips that we have on our website and brochures should be considered as statements of intent rather than as contractual obligations. Numerous of factors such as weather, transport difficulties and political instability, might force us to change any itinerary. The tour leader will make any changes that are necessary for the itinerary, after consultation with the group.

These changes occur rarely and we endeavour everything within our powers to minimize the effects of the enforced changes. Lumle Holidays Ltd. cannot be held responsible for the results of such changes or delays, irrespective of how they are caused.

Lumle Holidays Ltd. must be notified of any special requirements, including, but not limited to food allergies or dietary restrictions, at the time of booking. We will exert reasonable effort to accommodate any special requirement or request. However, given the nature of our trips/tours and the destinations we offer, it might not always be possible to meet the requirement. Lumle Holidays Ltd. cannot guarantee that such special requirements or requests can be accommodated. Any special requirements or requests do not form part of our terms or the contract between you and Lumle Holidays Ltd. and we are not liable for any failure to accommodate or fulfil such request.


Before making a booking you must advise Lumle Holidays Ltd of any pre-existing medical condition, mobility impairment and/or disability that might reasonably be expected to increase the risk of you requiring medical attention, or that might affect the normal conduct of a trip and the enjoyment of other trip members. You may be required to provide an assessment of your medical condition from a qualified medical practitioner if requested by Lumle Holidays Ltd employees or suppliers. If you fail to adequately notify Lumle Holidays Ltd of any pre-existing medical conditions and/or disability, Lumle Holidays Ltd reserves the right, in its reasonable discretion, to cancel your participation in a trip at any time, including after the commencement of your trip, with no right of refund if your medical condition, mobility impairment and/or disability could be reasonably expected to affect the normal conduct of the trip and the enjoyment of other trip members.

Generally, we do not allow travellers under the age of 10 years on Lumle Holidays Ltd scheduled itineraries unless you are on one of our dedicated family tours or tailor-made itinerary. For our standard small group itineraries, the decision for any person less than 10 years of age to travel on our scheduled itineraries is at the absolute discretion of the management of Lumle Holidays Ltd. For further information please contact Lumle Holidays Ltd.

Pregnancy, which is considered a medical condition, must be disclosed to Lumle Holidays Ltd. the time of booking. Lumle Holidays Ltd may refuse to carry a pregnant person over 24 weeks. If reasonable arrangement or alternatives cannot be arranged, Lumle Holidays Ltd. reserves right not to carry the traveller/s.

We are committed to protecting your personal information and will process your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy, available online at https://www.lumle.com/privacy-policy. By providing personal information to us, you agree that our Privacy Notice will apply to how we handle your personal information and you consent to us collecting, using, disclosing and otherwise processing your personal information as detailed in our Privacy Policy. Lumle Holidays Ltd Privacy Policy sets out what information we collect, how we collect it, and what we do with it. Your information refers to information such as your name, contact details, travel preferences and special needs/disabilities/dietary requirements that you supply us or is supplied to us, including any information about other persons on your booking relating to the same (“your information”). Your information is collected when you request information from us, contact us (and vice versa) or make a booking with us. You are responsible for ensuring that other members of your party are aware of the content of our Privacy Policy and consent to your acting on their behalf in all your dealings with us. We will update your information whenever we get the opportunity to keep it current, accurate and complete. For the purpose of providing you with our services, including your flight, holiday or insurance, etc., we may disclose your information to our service providers (who could be located outside the UK/EEA).

In order for you to travel overseas, it may be mandatory (as requested government authorities at the point(s) of departure and/or destination) to disclose your information for immigration, security and anti-terrorism purposes, or any other purposes which they determine appropriate. Even if not mandatory, we may exercise our discretion to assist where appropriate. We may collect and use your information for the purposes set out in our registration with the Office of the Information Commissioner, and disclose the same to our “group companies” (some of whom are outside the UK/EEA) for business purposes. We may also disclose your information to companies who act as “data processors” on our behalf, or to our service providers operating systems or business functions on our behalf, some of whom are outside the UK/EEA.

These purposes include administration, providing services (and contacting you where necessary), customer care, improving our service, business management and operation, re-organisation / structuring / sale of our business (or our group companies), risk assessment, security and crime prevention/detection, research and analysis, marketing, monitoring, measuring and assessing customer purchasing preferences and trends, dispute resolution, credit checking and debt collection. Some of your information (such as health or religion) may be considered “sensitive personal data” under the Data Protection Act 1998. We collect it to cater to your needs or act in your interest, and we are only prepared to accept sensitive personal data from you on the condition that we have your positive consent. By booking with us you also agree for your insurers, their agents and medical staffs to disclose relevant information (which may contain sensitive personal data) to us in circumstances where we need to act in the interest of everyone in the group you are travelling with. For example, if your illness at resort is infectious we may need to make special arrangements for you and also ensure that you do not return with the group immediately.

Any likeness or image of you secured or taken on any of our holidays may be used by the company without charge in all media (whether now existing or in the future invented) for bona fide promotional or marketing purposes, including without limitation promotional materials of any kind, such as brochures, slides, video shows and the internet.

If you do not agree to our use of your information as above, we cannot do business with you or accept your booking.

The Booking Conditions may only be waived or amended by written mutual consent signed by a Director. When you complete the Booking Form you agree to accept all these conditions, and when we accept your booking we agree to carry out our obligations to you as defined in this brochure and other information provided to you.

Prices are on twin/double share basis and have been calculated in accordance with foreign currency exchange rates. Single person booking will incur single supplement.

If we issue detailed trip notes for your tour, these trip notes and all the information contained therein will be deemed to be part of the contract. Trip notes available from our website or by post from Lumle Holidays Ltd, contain up-to-date definitive information about the itinerary and travel arrangements. Should there be a discrepancy between the information in the brochure or website and the trip notes, the information in the trip notes supersedes that in the brochure or on the website and will be considered the most up-to-date and accurate.


(a) ATOL

When packaged with your international flights, the holidays shown are ATOL protected by the Civil Aviation Authority. Our ATOL Number is 7375. ATOL Protection extends primarily to customers who book and pay in the United Kingdom. Click on the ATOL logo if you want to know more.


The Association of Bonded Travel Organisers Trust Limited (ABTOT) provides financial protection under The Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations 2018 for Lumle Holidays Ltd. and 5338, and in the event of their insolvency, protection is provided for:

* Non-flight packages

ABTOT cover provides for a refund in the event you have not yet travelled or repatriation if transportation was included in your package. Please note that bookings made outside the UK are only protected by ABTOT when purchased directly with Lumle Holidays Ltd.

In the unlikely event that you require assistance whilst abroad due to our financial failure, please call our 24/7 helpline on 01702 811397 and advise you are a customer of an ABTOT protected travel company.

You can access The Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations 2018 here: https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2018/634/contents/made

You can find out more about ABTOT here: https://www.abtot.com/

Lumle Holidays Ltd. cannot apply your frequent flyer membership to your booking.

Lumle Holidays Ltd. will email you travel documents include airline tickets, hotel vouchers, tour vouchers or any other document where applicable. All airline tickets must be issued in the name of the passport/photo identity holder. An incorrect name on a booking may result in an inability to travel on that booking and the booking being cancelled. Please review your travel documentation carefully and advise us immediately of any errors in names, dates or timings. It is your responsibility to collect all travel documents from us prior to travel and to observe all airline check-in times and requirements (many airlines allow you to check-in online within certain timeframes). Please note that a flight described in your flight ticket as “direct” will not necessarily be non-stop.

Please be aware that all departure and arrival times on your flight ticket are provided by the airline and are estimates only. Airlines are likely to change these timings due to air traffic control restrictions, weather conditions or operational requirements. We strongly recommend that you contact the airline or visit the airline’s website to confirm your scheduled departure time 24 hours prior to your flight. You should also confirm departure times for each onward flight. In the event of schedule changes, failure to reconfirm any sector of your itinerary may result in you needing to purchase a new flight.

If you booked your holiday in any jurisdiction other than in England and Wales (including any booking via the Internet), this contract, and any other claim or dispute arising from or related to this contract, will be governed by English law and the courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any claim arising out of it. If you booked your holiday in England, this contract, and any claim or dispute arising from or related to this contract, will be governed by English law and the courts of England shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any claim arising out of it.

Lumle Holidays Ltd cannot be held responsible for any content, tours, and pricing displayed on third party websites.

Telephone calls to or from any of our stores or consultants may be recorded for training purposes.

Lumle Holidays Ltd. reserve the right to add, withdraw and/or amend any of our Booking Conditions at any time and without notice and furthermore reserve the right to refuse any booking.


All the information about hotels, destinations, itineraries etc are thoroughly checked by Lumle Holidays to make sure they are correct before publishing. Since the brochures are printed in advance so product description or facilities may change. Please note the suppliers may change the nature of the product either to improve the quality or do some changes. We are not liable for the conditions like severe weather, political disturbance, natural calamities or anything which Lumle cannot directly control, so these situations may cause some of the products to be unavailable or different from what we have advertised.


1. Availability. Check the Lumle Holidays Ltd website or contact Lumle Holidays Ltd to check availability. Book early to guarantee your place.
2. Booking Conditions & Trip Notes. Read the Booking Conditions and Trip Notes. Booking with us and paying a non-refundable deposit means you have read and agreed to the Booking Conditions and the Trip Notes.
3. Deposit and Booking. To make a booking you must send Lumle Holidays Ltd a non-refundable deposit of 60% and balance 60 days of departure. This will constitute acceptance by you of the booking conditions. We cannot confirm your booking or release any documents unless we have received full name, sex, date of birth, passport details and pre-existing medical conditions for each passenger.
4. Finalize your booking. Please ensure that you finalise your booking early. Any amendments to your booking, in relation to any other arrangements made in conjunction with your tour (e.g. pre- and post-tour accommodation, transfers, etc), received by Lumle Holidays Ltd within 60 days prior to tour departure date will be subject to a £150 administration fee per change. Please note it may not always be possible to amend the booking.
5. Comprehensive Insurance. You must have comprehensive travel insurance to travel with us.
6. Final Payment. You must pay the full balance of your holiday 60 days before departure. If you book less than 60 days before departure, full payment must be made immediately.
7. Final Documentation will be released 14 days prior to your travel date. Your final documentation and tickets will be released when Lumle Holidays Ltd has received full payment and all the details necessary to complete your booking (full name, sex, date of birth, passport details and pre-existing medical conditions).

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Trusted by thousands of customers for serving amazing holidays over the several years.

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ATOL and ABOT protected company. Plus, a refund within 14 days if your holiday is cancelled.

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Our specialists have in-depth knowledge from extensive travel or living in the regions they manage.

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